Advanced Formatting
Creating a table
You can create tables with pipes |
and hyphens -
. Hyphens are used to create each column’s header, while pipes separate each column. You must include a blank line before your table in order for it to correctly render.
| First Header | Second Header |
| ------------- | ------------- |
| Content Cell | Content Cell |
| Content Cell | Content Cell |
The pipes on either end of the table are optional.
Cells can vary in width and do not need to be perfectly aligned within columns. There must be at least three hyphens in each column of the header row.
| Subject | Description |
| --- | --- |
| History | Learn about the past |
| Biology | Learn about organisms |
Formatting content within your table
You can use formatting such as links, inline code blocks, and text styling within your table:
| Code | Description |
| --- | --- |
| `print("Hello World")` | Prints "Hello World" to console |
| `int a = 5` | Assigns value 5 to variable a |
You can align text to the left, right, or center of a column by including colons :
to the left, right, or on both sides of the hyphens within the header row.
| Left-aligned | Center-aligned | Right-aligned |
| :--- | :---: | ---: |
| upper left | upper center | upper right |
| lower left | lower center | lower right |
To include a pipe |
as content within your cell, use a \
before the pipe:
| Name | Character |
| --- | --- |
| Backtick | ` |
| Pipe | \| |