Class ImageGenerator

  • public class ImageGenerator
    extends java.lang.Object
    Manages the creation of the mandelbrot image, allowing parameters to be set to modify the resultant image.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      ImageGenerator​(ColorGradient initialColorTheme)
      Construct an image generator.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean canRedo()
      Check if the redo operation can be done.
      boolean canUndo()
      Check if the undo operation can be done.
      javafx.scene.paint.Color[][] generate​(int resolutionX, int resolutionY)
      Generate an image of a given resolution.
      InformInitialObjectProperty<ImageConfiguration> getCurrentConfigurationProperty()
      Gets the current configuration property.
      double getCurrentZoom​(double rangeX, double rangeY)
      Gets the current zoom amount.
      void loadConfiguration​( file)
      Loads the image configuration from a given file.
      void pan​(double rangeX, double rangeY, int xshift, int yshift)
      Pans the view of the image a certain amount along the x-axis and y-axis.
      void redo()
      Redo the last undo.
      void resetAll()
      Reset all settings.
      void saveConfiguration​( file)
      Saves the image configuration to a given file.
      void setColorTheme​(ColorGradient theme)
      Set the colour theme to use for the image.
      void setEscapeRadius​(double escapeRadius)
      Set the escape radius to use when calculating the iteration values.
      void setMaximumIterations​(int maximumIterations)
      Set the maximum number of iterations to use when calculating the iteration values.
      void setOverlayZoom​(boolean overlayZoom)
      Set whether the zoom should be overlayed onto the image.
      void undo()
      Undo the last change.
      void zoom​(double rangeX, double rangeY, double minX, double maxX, double minY, double maxY)
      Zooms in (scales) the image to be produced.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • ImageGenerator

        public ImageGenerator​(ColorGradient initialColorTheme)
        Construct an image generator.
        initialColorTheme - The initial colour theme that should be used.
    • Method Detail

      • zoom

        public void zoom​(double rangeX,
                         double rangeY,
                         double minX,
                         double maxX,
                         double minY,
                         double maxY)
        Zooms in (scales) the image to be produced.
        rangeX - The width of the x-axis.
        rangeY - The width of the y-axis.
        minX - The minimum value of x for which the image should show.
        maxX - The maximum value of x for which the image should show.
        minY - The minimum value of y for which the image should show.
        maxY - The maximum value of y for which the image should show.
      • pan

        public void pan​(double rangeX,
                        double rangeY,
                        int xshift,
                        int yshift)
        Pans the view of the image a certain amount along the x-axis and y-axis. A positive value for xshift shifts the view right and therefore the image left. A positive value for yshift shifts the view up and therefore the image down.
        rangeX - The width of the x-axis.
        rangeY - The width of the y-axis.
        xshift - The amount to shift along the x-axis.
        yshift - The amount to shift along the y-axis.
      • setMaximumIterations

        public void setMaximumIterations​(int maximumIterations)
        Set the maximum number of iterations to use when calculating the iteration values.
        maximumIterations - The maximum number of iterations to use when calculating the iteration values.
      • setEscapeRadius

        public void setEscapeRadius​(double escapeRadius)
        Set the escape radius to use when calculating the iteration values.
        escapeRadius - The escape radius to use when calculate the iteration values.
      • setColorTheme

        public void setColorTheme​(ColorGradient theme)
        Set the colour theme to use for the image.
        theme - The colour theme to use for the image.
      • setOverlayZoom

        public void setOverlayZoom​(boolean overlayZoom)
        Set whether the zoom should be overlayed onto the image.
        overlayZoom - Whether the zoom should be overlayed onto the image.
      • undo

        public void undo()
        Undo the last change.
      • redo

        public void redo()
        Redo the last undo.
      • resetAll

        public void resetAll()
        Reset all settings.
      • canUndo

        public boolean canUndo()
        Check if the undo operation can be done.
      • canRedo

        public boolean canRedo()
        Check if the redo operation can be done.
      • getCurrentConfigurationProperty

        public InformInitialObjectProperty<ImageConfiguration> getCurrentConfigurationProperty()
        Gets the current configuration property. A listener can be added that is called on changes.
        The current configuration property.
      • getCurrentZoom

        public double getCurrentZoom​(double rangeX,
                                     double rangeY)
        Gets the current zoom amount.
        rangeX - The width of the x-axis.
        rangeY - The height of the y-axis.
      • saveConfiguration

        public void saveConfiguration​( file)
                               throws ImageConfigurationSaveException
        Saves the image configuration to a given file.
        file - The file to save the image configuration to.
        ImageConfigurationSaveException - Exception thrown if there was an error saving the configuration.
      • loadConfiguration

        public void loadConfiguration​( file)
                               throws ImageConfigurationLoadException
        Loads the image configuration from a given file.
        file - The file to save the image configuration to.
        ImageConfigurationLoadException - Exception thrown if there was an error loading the configuration.
      • generate

        public javafx.scene.paint.Color[][] generate​(int resolutionX,
                                                     int resolutionY)
        Generate an image of a given resolution.
        resolutionX - Number of pixels the width of the image should be.
        resolutionY - Number of pixels the height of the image should be.
        A 2D array of pixels.